Cảm hứng cho thiết kế Dashboards, Typography , Characters…

Cùng iDesign dành chút thờ gian xem qua các thiết kế đẹp để có cảm hứng sáng tạo trong công việc bạn nhé!

idesign inspiration 01
Photographer Portfolio App Combo by Regen G. for Queble
idesign inspiration 02
Dashboard VOCS by Hippie Matthew for Fireart Studio
idesign inspiration 03
Daily Cooking Quest by Hoang Nguyen
idesign inspiration 04
Stories widget dashboard #1 by Alex Dyakov
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Shopping Cart UI by Giga Tamarashvili
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Extreme Food #2 by Nikolay Ivanov for Lobster
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People at my office II by Eran Mendel
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Bunny by Formas Studio
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Okilly Dokilly — T-shirt designs by Jack Teagle
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TYPOP-UP / Basic rules of typography / pop-up book by Visual Arts Institute Eger and Mónika Rudics
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Aberfeldy 12 YO Gifting Tin by Stranger & Stranger
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Baraja de la Feria de Murcia by Andrés Guerrero and Rubio & del Amo

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